Co-creating evidence-based business roadmaps and policy solutions for enhancing coastal-rural collaboration and synergies

Updates on MAL5 (Danube Mouths/Black Sea)

MAL 5 development of the COSTAL project for the second semester of 2020, included activities related to Knowledge Transition, SD modelling of coastal-rural interactions and dissemination of results achieved so far.

The causal loop diagrams from the multi-sectoral workshop were further on refined, in order to define the stocks, flows and the interrelated processes, targeting the in-depth description and understanding of land-sea interaction in the study area. The goal of the final model is to explore alternative scenarios to improve the quality of life and sustainability within Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve and its marine waters (Black Sea) as one of the most impacted area along the Romanian littoral.

The land-sea interactions that will be considered are defined by the ecosystem-based management approach, as follows:

• Improve Sustainability of the area.

• Adaptation and Mitigation to Climate change.

• Use of Knowledge to improve sustainability and climate change impacts in the area.

The next steps will be to organize the stakeholders meeting and show the results of the model, to fine-tune the model considering the stakeholder's requirements. Overall, the model will tackle issues on how to use the key points of growth within rural areas (that is agriculture, tourism and fishery) to improve the socio-economic state of the area, while conserving the environmental assets.

Therefore, the following problems might be addressed upon the stakeholders’ requirements.

• How can agriculture contribute to improved management of natural resources (water and soil);

• How climate change is affecting the human economic activity in the rural coastal area?

• Which is the role of financial instruments for rural infrastructure in increasing the quality of life?

• How will the development of services to individuals and of the residential economy affect the freshwater quality?

• How will cooperation help farmers to deal with the economic and environmental challenges?

• How can investment in capacity building (education) bring added value to environmental quality?

• How far can tourism be developed without affecting the biodiversity of the area?

• What effect will have the proper management of clogged channels on economic activities of the area?

Author: Steliana Rodino (ICEADR)