Co-creating evidence-based business roadmaps and policy solutions for enhancing coastal-rural collaboration and synergies

MAL workshops in Romania

The National Institute for Marine Research and Development “Grigore Antipa” of Constanta marks the celebration of the International Black Sea Day by organizing three workshops, on 30 and 31 October 2018, in the framework of the European Horizon 2020 Project COASTAL (Collaborative Land-Sea Integration Platformea), with the themes “Blue Growth”, “Fisheries and aquaculture” and “Tourism”.

The first workshop on Blue Growth, including industry, transport and administration stakeholders (30 October, 2018). 
As a specific case we should note that the Romanian littoral is divided into two areas with different geography and development. In the Blue Growth Workshop have actively participated 16 stakeholders from administration (Water administration, Constanta city hall, Danube Delta villages halls - Nufaru, Mahmudia, Tulcea county), industry – oil and gas OMV, transport – Administration of the Navigable Canals.

The second workshop was focused  on  Tourism – coastal thematic (31 October, 2018). This is because the coastal area is one of the most sought-after areas during  summer season.  In the Tourism-coastal Workshop have actively participated 13 stakeholders from administration (Ministry of Tourism, Techirghiol City hall), tourism associations and operators (ANTREC Tulcea, Verada Tour Tulcea, Promtour Delta, Activ Delta, Alma Tours Constanta, Organizatia Patronala Mamaia Constanta).

The third workshop on Fisheries &Aquaculture (marine), held in parallel with the Tourism - coastal workshop. Fishery is one of the oldest occupations in the area and the aquaculture is not yet well developed due to several constraints. In the frame of Fisheries &Aquaculture (marine) Workshop have actively participated 7 stakeholders from administration (National Administration from Fishery, Consultative Council for the Black Sea), NGOs (Mare Nostrum), Aquaculture (Seafood and Maricultura), fisheries associations ( Ro-Pescador Tulcea, Interfrig fish).

Author and photos: INCDM