Co-creating evidence-based business roadmaps and policy solutions for enhancing coastal-rural collaboration and synergies

COASTAL future visions presented at the EU Rural Vision Week

COASTAL virtual stall in the Marketplace

The COASTAL project team hosted a virtual stall in the Marketplace (COASTAL Virtual Stall | The European Network for Rural Development (ENRD) ( of the EU Rural Vision Week.

It showcased the generic coastal-rural visions developed within WP5, a task led by ICRE8, in collaboration with local MALs leaders from the 6 cases study areas (Belgium, Sweden, Romania, Greece, Spain, France).

By visiting the virtual stall, visitors had the opportunity to discover the three generics visions of Europe’s coastal-rural regions sustainable future (“Naturally better”; “Stronger together”; “What goes around comes around”) and two examples of local visions storyline co-developed in cross-sectoral workshops by local stakeholders of the Mar Menor-Murcia region in Spain and of the Charente river basin in France, as well as the Outlandpolder rural scenarios developed by the Belgian team.

The rural vision week was an opportunity to network, share results and exchange experiences with other H2020 projects having developed long term rural visions.

Download the documents presented on the Marketplace below:

What is your dream for the Oudlandpolder?

Methodology for the development of COASTAL generic coastal-rural Future Narratives (visions)

A Sustainable vision for the coastal-rural area of Campo de Cartagena and Mar Menor lagoon in South-Spain

Charente River basin – STAKEHOLDERS VISIONS

Generic Visions for European Coastal-Rural Areas