Co-creating evidence-based business roadmaps and policy solutions for enhancing coastal-rural collaboration and synergies

New free online course (MOOC) entitled "Business Model Innovation for Sustainable Landscape Restoration"

We would like to draw your attention to a new free online course (MOOC) entitled "Business Model Innovation for Sustainable Landscape Restoration"

CEBAS-CSIC is involved in the development of this MOOC as part of the ENABLE project.

The idea in this MOOC is that participants work in small groups on the development and evaluation of innovative business models for sustainable landscape restoration challenges.

This might be an interesting opportunity for many of the COASTAL project partners and for the stakeholders in all MAL's, and especially relevant for activities in WP3 (business and policy support) and probably also for the development of our COASTAL knowledge exchange platform.

In the Spanish MAL, we are trying to mobilize stakeholders from the sectorial workshops to form a group in this MOOC to elaborate on some of the sustainable business ideas that were raised during the sectorial workshops.

The course is 8 weeks with a dedication of 4-8 hours /week. Visit the course here.