Co-creating evidence-based business roadmaps and policy solutions for enhancing coastal-rural collaboration and synergies

Deliverable D6 Data and Model Inventory

Deliverable D6 Data and Model Inventory is submitted to the EC.

Prepared by partners from HCMR (Greece), SU (Sweden), VITO (BE), CSIC (Spain), VLM (BE), POM (BE), VLIZ (BE), NIMRD (Romania), IRSTEA (France) this deliverable from WP2 is an inventory of the necessary data and models that are needed to transform concepts into model parameters for the system dynamic models.

WP2 is a bridge between the qualitative and quantitative operations of COASTAL, transforming the mental maps created through local and scientific knowledge into quantitative causal links. This transformation will be achieved through the use of existing, validated observation- and model-based data developed by partners and/or 3rd parties, and where necessary through complementary newly collected data and model developments. The first task of WP2 has been to identify the quantification needs, and collect relevant data and models for supporting the quantitative analysis. As an outcome from this task, a Data and Model Inventory (Deliverable D6) has been produced. This consists of a comprehensive inventory of relevant data and models, needed and available for each case study (MAL), including problem and model boundaries, spatial-temporal scales, and key processes, parameters and variables, for the following Knowledge Transition task of WP2.

D6 will be made public and available in the Resources section upon approval from the European Commission.

Deliverable D6 will be updated during the course of the Project, when MALs will be completed and all required information for feeding the models will be established.