During these workshops, we developed case and sector specific shared mental maps of the land-sea system in the given case areas by bringing together for each case study domain experts, rural and coastal stakeholders and administrations.
Prepared by SINTEF (Norway) based on contributions from the partners VITO (BE), GRBR (BE), VLM (BE), POM (BE), VLIZ (BE), IRSTEA (FR), INCDM(RO), ICEADR (RO), SU (SE), HCMR (GR), ICRE8 (GR), CSIC (ES), SU (SE), VITO (BE), CSIC (Spain), VLM (BE), POM (BE), VLIZ (BE), NIMRD (Romania), IRSTEA (France) D3 will be made public and available in the Resources section upon approval from the European Commission.