Co-creating evidence-based business roadmaps and policy solutions for enhancing coastal-rural collaboration and synergies

Deliverable D3 Sectoral Analysis of Coastal and Rural Development

Deliverable D3 Sectoral Analysis of Coastal and Rural Development is submitted to the EC.

This deliverable from WP1 reports on results from six case areas of the COASTAL project, where workshops took place in M3-9 of the project period (Task 1.1 Sectoral Analysis of Coastal & Rural Development of WP1).

During these workshops, we developed case and sector specific shared mental maps of the land-sea system in the given case areas by bringing together for each case study domain experts, rural and coastal stakeholders and administrations.

Prepared by SINTEF (Norway) based on contributions from the partners VITO (BE), GRBR (BE), VLM (BE), POM (BE), VLIZ (BE), IRSTEA (FR), INCDM(RO), ICEADR (RO), SU (SE), HCMR (GR), ICRE8 (GR), CSIC (ES), SU (SE), VITO (BE), CSIC (Spain), VLM (BE), POM (BE), VLIZ (BE), NIMRD (Romania), IRSTEA (France) D3 will be made public and available in the Resources section upon approval from the European Commission.