Co-creating evidence-based business roadmaps and policy solutions for enhancing coastal-rural collaboration and synergies

COASTAL collaborates with fellow project financed under topic RUR-01-2016: ROBUST

Co-operation activities are envisaged in the RUR-01-2016 topic. Contacts with the ROBUST project (Rural-Urban Outlooks: Unlocking Synergies) consortium have been established.

Henk Oostindie, ROBUST coordinator from WUR, participated in the COASTAL kick-off meeting where potential fields of common activities were discussed. Synergies will be sought between the two project such as in dissemination actions, exchange of materials, cross referencing in project newsletters, establishing links between websites and social media channels. Contact between the teams working on relevant topics will be made to ensure coherent and mutually complimentary communications whenever appropriate.


In the pictures: Henk Oostindie, ROBUST Coordinator presents // Henk Oostindie, ROBUST Coordinator and Alexia Rouby, Policy Officer, EC DG-AGRI

Link: ROBUST project website