Co-creating evidence-based business roadmaps and policy solutions for enhancing coastal-rural collaboration and synergies

Deliverable D9  Inventory of Business Opportunities & Policy Alternatives

D9 as a first deliverable of WP3 is an EU-wide inventory and screening of ‘best practices, successes and lessons learned’ from twelve study regions other than the COASTAL case studies in order to create an inventory of innovative and inspiring examples.


Icre8 has completed its first task in WP3. The general objective of WP3 is to design and evaluate evidence-based business and policy solutions aimed at improving land-sea synergy in EU coastal regions, and translate the outcomes into strategic business road maps and policy guidelines. They will support policy-makers, business entrepreneurs and other local actors with evidence-based decision making. WP3 is central to the project, and in particular the impacts and exploitation. The underlying socio-environmental and econometric analyses will be based on the combination of mental maps (developed in WP1), SD modelling (with WP2 and WP4), scenario and transition pathways (provided by WP5), and the feedback provided by local actors and stakeholders in the MALs. 
Following exchanges between stakeholders in the sectoral workshops of COASTAL 6 case studies, issues and potential business solution have been identified and constitute the base for the D9 inventory. Combination of activities, alternative ways of tourism, territorial branding, the use of new technologies, collaborative projects, educational campaigns, redevelopment program including nature-based solutions, spatial planning tools, have been used in practices all around Europe and can be inspiring solutions to increase land-sea synergies & coastal-rural collaborations
D9 will be made public and available in the Resources section upon approval from the European Commission.