Co-creating evidence-based business roadmaps and policy solutions for enhancing coastal-rural collaboration and synergies


COASTAL Partners (NIMRD, SINTEF, ICEADR) worked together on causal loop diagrams (CLDs) resulted from stakeholders’ meetings in Romania.

During 12-14 June 2019 a team from SINTEF (Sepideh Jafarzadeh, Magnus Stoud Myhre and Andreas Misund), as WP1 (Multi-Actor Analysis) coordinator, visited NIMRD (Constanta, Romania) and worked together with NIMRD and ICEADR experts on six causal loop diagrams (CLDs) resulted from stakeholders’ meetings (3 coastal – Blue growth, Tourism, Fisheries and 3 rural – Rural development, Agriculture, Rural tourism).
All six diagrams were discussed again and merged into one (Fig.1) with 60 variables out of which 7 drivers (nothing in) – administration of Danube Delta, awareness, entrepreneurship, education training and research, recreational fishing, bioeconomy and seasonality, 3 receivers (nothing out) – land degradation, fishermen welfare and flooding and 50 ordinary variables.
Our scope was to analyse the matrix, simplify it (if possible), and prepare it for a good model.
Author and photo: Dr. Mariana Golumbeanu