As the COASTAL project will soon reach its mid-term, the consortium partners decided to meet in order to agree on the strategy of the next year as the project approach a critical phase: the integration of qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis from the different WPs as well as closer interactions between WPs and with the MALs.
The meeting was an opportunity to present the generic coastal-rural scenarios and transition pathways (TP) developed as part as WP5 by Icre8 and GreenBridge and how to implement the downscaling of the scenarios and TPs at case study level. Each Multi-Actor Lab presented the future vision of its coastal-rural area, coastal-rural tourism and a sustainable agriculture being the leading activities as well as a better/different form of governance and more collaboration between sectors and within sectors.
The Workshop was also the occasion to welcome a new member in the team: Nele D'Haese from VITO who will support GreenBridge in the implementation of the next activities in WP5 while we will be missing for the next 8 months Dr. Ebun Akinsete from ICRE8 who must take a well-deserved family break.